North Austin Muslim Community Center offers complete funeral services, which includes body release, body transport, body wash (ghussal), janazah prayer and burial. For funeral services we are using Austin Peel & Sons, and for burial we use Islamic Center of Greater Austin (ICGA) Muslim Cemetery and Muslim Community Support Services (MCSS) Muslim Cemetery.
If you would like to know more about NAMCC’s funeral services, please refer to the contact information for the Funeral Committee.
If you are in need for funeral service please call(leave voice message), or text at 512-666-3389 or visit the website:
ICGA Muslim Cemetery
The Islamic Center of Greater Austin Muslim Cemetery first came into existence in the early 1980s with a non-profit WAQF donation of 20 acres of land just outside of Austin. The ICGA administration sees itself only as a custodian of the cemetery. Since its inception, this Muslim cemetery has served not only the Austin community, but the Central Texas region including areas as Killeen, San Antonio, College Station, and even Houston. Since the cemetery was founded through a non-profit land grant, it offers services to all Muslims on a strictly non-profit basis. Furthermore, because of its non-profit status, the ICGA is legally permitted by the State of Texas to bury Muslims in complete accordance with Islamic laws. This is contrary to other cemeteries with Muslim sections that are not run by Islamic centers where the funeral home must follow licensed funeral laws which come into conflict with Muslim funeral rites.
ICGA Muslim Cemetery is located at: 1920 County Line Road, Dale, TX 78616
For more details about ICGA Muslim Cemetery please call at 512-666-3389 or visit their website:
MCSS Muslim Cemetery
Muslim Community Support Services (MCSS) Muslim Cemetery was started 2001 when around 500 lots were purchased at Cook-Walden Cemetery Pflugerville. The Muslim Cemetery section is segregated from the rest of the Cook-Walden Cemetery.
MCSS Muslim Cemetery is located in the Northeast corner of the Cook-Walden Cemetery: 14501 North Interstate 35, Pflugerville, TX 78660
For more details about MCSS Muslim Cemetery please call Mohsin Lari @ 512 775 1481 or visit their website:
Subject: Protocol for Janazah Handling and Washing of Deceased under Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Date: March 23, 2020
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Community Members,
Over the past few weeks we have put together a team of healthcare professionals, local religious leaders, and volunteers with over a decade of Janazah washing experience. The goal of the team was to develop “COVID-19 Best.
Practice Janazah Washing Standards” in accordance with current laws and Islamic Jurisprudence. There is no doubt that we are faced with difficult decisions beyond our control related to burial of our loved ones during this critical time. There are three different circumstances, which will be considered by ICGA Janazah committee towards funeral proceedings.
- COVID-19 positive Case: According to Center for Disease Control (CDC), at this time deceased with COVID-19 may be buried and safely transported. CDC states “There is currently no known risk associated with being in the same room at a funeral or visitation services with the body of someone who died of COVID-19”.
However, the CDC also notes, “People should consider not touching the body of someone who has died of COVID-19.” According to our Religious leaders, we are recommended not to do a traditional Ghusul (washing of the body), but Shura will be taken by local shoyoukh (Scholars) to reconfirm the appropriate measures. - Negative COVID-19 Case: We will treat the deceased tested negative COVID-19 as “Low Risk” and proceed with our standard Janazah washing procedure.
- Unknown COVID-19 Case: In this case since we don’t have the results of COVID-19 testing. We will treat the deceased same as Case 1 above to avoid putting our volunteers at risk. At all times, all volunteers must be wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In cases 1 and 3 Ghusal will be performed at the Cemetery by two individuals not exceeding age 60. Families are not recommended to take part in washing or attending the Janazah. In fact, families of the deceased in cases 1 & 3 should be in quarantine and will not be allowed to attend Janazah. Families will be able to see their loved one’s Janazah via video conferencing and attend the grave on a later date. Janazah prayer will be performed at the cemetery instead of Masjid. It is requested while at the cemetery for the attendees to keep 10 feet away from the grave site and the staff in addition to following all other government issued rules related to no public gatherings therefore Salat Al Janazah will be performed by a number not to exceed 5 individuals.
If there are any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to ICGA Muslim Cemetery Funeral
Coordinator at (512) 961-2443
Jazakum Allah Khair
Covid-19 Janazah Washing (PDF)